Image credit: Forbes People: 4 Stories Great Leaders Tell to Engage Their People
Classic management can tend toward engagement as ‘consequence management’ and carrots-and-sticks incentives. It can rely on almost Pavlovian conditioning. Some of that, to be sure, is needed – people want to tie outcomes to inputs, success to effort, rewards to sweat. But there’s also a human relational element that stories convey, which attach reward/success/outcome to “meaning.” And that more than ever is important to a new generation (see article on sales recruiting below, too. Forbes: 4 Stories Great Leaders Tell To Engage Their People
Image credit: LinkedIn People: Five Ways to Check Your Hiring Blind Spots
Get the right people on the bus – that was Jim Collins advice in Good to Great. We all want that. But why do we misfire when we hire? Jack Welch takes a big picture look to remind us what the forest should look like while we’re wandering in the trees of recruiting. Jack Welch: 5 Ways to Check Your Hiring Blind Spots
Image credit: Hero Images / Getty Images People: New DOL Overtime Rules
So we wrote before on how the Department of Labor had drafted some new regulations on clasifying employees for purposes of overtime. Last month they made final regulations to take effect December 1, 2016. Bottom line: if you’ve got anyone paid less than $46,475 as a “Salaried” (overtime-exempt) employee, you’d better take a look at the new regulations. Entrepreneur Magazine: Here’s How the New Overtime Rules Will Affect Entrepreneurs