Strategy: KPI’s – Moving from Talk to Action
You’ve heard it from the B-schools, fellow entrepreneurs, you Vistage or other CEO peer group – you need Key Performance Indicators to move your business forward (or keep it from sliding back.) But KPI’s are not generic – yours aren’t the same as everyone else’s, even your closest competition. Success will bring you to a point where you have to grow past your trusty “gut” and quantify critical functions so you can translate “gut” into actionable and transferrable skills to your team. A Sample KPI Template
Image credit: Harvard Business Review Strategy: Blue Oceans
Would you rather look for fish where no one else is fishing – or join all the competition in the same pond and fight, chumming the waters and competing by offering larger bait? Harvard Business Review offers a summary of a contemporary business classic that can help think through your products, services, sales and marketing differently. HBR: Blue Ocean Strategy
Image credit: Glomacs Strategy: Forget the Strategy PowerPoint
Can you outline your company or product strategy in a presentation? Five points all alliterated so that it’s memorable? Harvard Business School professor and change guru John Kotter suggests you “forgetaboutit.” Instead, if you do one thing that aligns people, cast a clear vision; give them a picture of where strategy will take them. Get more at: HBR: Forget the Strategy PowerPoint