Image credit: Tax Policy Center Strombeck Solutions: Uninsured Individual Penalties Rise
So you’re a small employer under the Affordable Health Care definition (under 50 full-time employees) and you already know you don’t have to provide healthcare insurance. But are your employees aware that their penalty goes up significantly this year if they are not covered? It may not impact you directly as an employer, but indirectly it may impact your ability to retain people. The Tax Policy Center provides an easy to use calculator to estimate the 2015 and 2016 penalties. TPC: ACA Tax Penalty Calculator
Image credit: Harvard Business Review Strategy: Blue Oceans
Would you rather look for fish where no one else is fishing – or join all the competition in the same pond and fight, chumming the waters and competing by offering larger bait? Harvard Business Review offers a summary of a contemporary business classic that can help think through your products, services, sales and marketing differently. HBR: Blue Ocean Strategy
Image credit: Strombeck Solutions: DOL Penalties For Health Insurance Reimbursement
If your Company is paying for or reimbursing anyone for health insurance outside of a company-sponsored-ACA-compliant plan, you may be subject to penalties are $100 a day per company employee, up to $36,500 per employee per year. Got your attention? The penalties are enforced by the Department of Labor (DOL). If your company is paying for or reimbursing you or anyone for any health insurance outside of the company’s ACA compliant plan, you should stop immediately. Dept of Labor: FAQ’s About ACA Implementation
Image credit: Leadership: 10 Best Business Books of 2014
Got some time over the holidays to do some reading? Geoffrey James, Contributing Editor of Inc. Magazine, lays out his suggestions for the best books of 2014, and why. From finance to operational scalability, creativity and more, there are plenty of topics to expand your mind in 2015. Inc.: 10 Best Business Books of 2014
Image credit: Harvard Business Review Marketing: How Rotary Strengthened Their Brand
If you’re a member of Rotary, you likely have a strong sense of your local club identity. And Rotary is steeped in a strong history and tradition, not only in its U.S. roots, but also in its expressions around the globe. So you might be surprised that in a survey a couple years ago, members and staff had difficulty answering the question, “What is Rotary?” Harvard Business Review takes a quick look at what Rotary did about it. HBR: Rotary Strengthened Their Brand by Simplifying It
Image credit: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Taxes: What to Expect From the New Congress
It’s been an interesting election season, and its resolution begs the question of the future with no partisan control split in the legislative branch. There have been some themes and ideas floated for over a year, but squabbles between House and Senate meant inaction. What now? Hopefully lower rates, another reason to defer income into 2015. Motley Fool: Tax Reform: What to Expect From the New Congress
Image credit: Getty Images Customer Service: Common Customer Onboarding Mistakes
Maybe you’re not losing customers to competition…maybe they just never got fully embedded with your product or services. “Onboarding” refers to the process through which you give new customers the knowledge and skills needed to become effective users – effective at getting all they wanted (and were promised) from the product. Entrepreneur Magazine describes some common mistakes to avoid: Entrepreneur: Common Customer Onboarding Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
Image credit: Glomacs Strategy: Forget the Strategy PowerPoint
Can you outline your company or product strategy in a presentation? Five points all alliterated so that it’s memorable? Harvard Business School professor and change guru John Kotter suggests you “forgetaboutit.” Instead, if you do one thing that aligns people, cast a clear vision; give them a picture of where strategy will take them. Get more at: HBR: Forget the Strategy PowerPoint
Image credit: Sales: How Sellable Is Your Company?
Strombeck is pleased to provide a new tool to business owners – the Sellability Score report. It is based on the book Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You by John Warrillow – an Inc. Magazine “Best Book for Business Owners.” The report evaluates 8 drivers of value in a business so you can focus on what will build your business’ value. Take 15 minutes and get a 28 page report. Read more…
Leadership: It Takes 3
It’s said that genius lies in simplicity. The most dynamic of leaders can handle complexity and nuance; they have the ability to find and focus on the core issues. Can the role of a CEO be simplified to three things? Entrepreneur: It Takes 3 to Run a Business